So I thought that I would introduce you to my team. I know it may seem late in the year for this. But I realized that I am always blogging about them but some of you don’t know who they are or what they look like. So I have decided to provided you with a picture and a short description of them. I am going to do this over the next week or so. I will introduce them to you in the order that I met them. So the first member of my team that you get to meet is Ashley Hall.
Ashley is 21. She is the oldest on the team. She grew up in Fishers, Indiana. She is actually our leaders (Dave and Vicki’s niece). Ashley LOVES Starbucks. Well Ashley just loves coffee. She is also very gifted in the office. She does a very good job with everything she does in there. Her job in the office is to set-up interviews and basically do all the paper work before the participants are interviewed. I should know how overwhelming her job is. She taught it to me so that when she is gone I can fill in for her. Over this past semester I have been able to see Ashley’s love for the Lord grow and her wanting to learn more increase. It is awesome to see the Lord working in her. She was the first teammate I met and we had a couple days just the two of us girls before the other two girls came. It was great to have that time with her. We did a lot of bonding. Which included setting up 5 dressers (which took all day), copying paper work of leaders of all the papers that they would need while on the field. And she was there for my first IKEA experience. Thank you for all those memories and the ones that have been since and that are coming. Ashley and I also teach the Middle School girls on Sunday mornings at church. That has been fun. I love sharing that responsibility with her.
If you want to know more about her or get her side of what Gainesville is like click Here and it will take you to her blog.
This is such a good idea, I like it a lot. You are so sweet. Thank you so much for writting that, you could not have posted this on a more perfect day! Thanks for keeping me accountable and thank you for always loving me no matter what! I am so glad that I have this year with you!