The second week we headed up to the mountains to a village called Arroyo Cano. We were suppose to stay there a week then go to another village but because of some situations we were not able to stay there that long. But while we were there we saw the Lord move in Big ways.
One of those ways was we were getting attacked left and right by the enemy. We were feeling extremely discouraged and uncomfortable. I have never felt what I felt there so strong before. But anyways the morning we work up after arriving there we had a meeting with the Pastor. We went over the plan for the day with him. Which was VBS and then cleaning the church. Well he told us that he wasn’t sure how VBS was going to go because we didn’t make an announcement at church the night before (Which is another Story of how God moved.). So he didn’t think that it would be successful. But we wanted to do it and were ready so we went out in the village and invited kids. We walked around for about 15 minutes inviting any kid that we saw. When we got back to the site for VBS which was a intersection we started and soon we had about 150 kids. None of us know where these kids came from or how they found out in the span of 15 minutes but they did and they showed up. It was crazy trying to do VBS with 150 kids in a big open area. But the team did it and did great. We were able to share Christ’s love with 150 kids. That was big considering that we were only expecting about a dozen or so.
So I mentioned Church. Well After arriving there soaking wet. That is another story for another blog (if I get the time). We got to the rooms where we were going to be staying and changed into something dry and had dinner. PB and J. Yum. As ambassadors you learn to love the simple sandwich which can be made anywhere with three simple ingredance. Anyways back to the story. We were told that we would have part of the service. So we “quickly” decided what DRIME and who would give their testimonies. We headed to church. When we got there it was quite an uncomfortable situation. To give you a little knowledge of the Dominican culture, the Men are quite forward and think that American women are the cream of the Crop. Therefore they all want one. Well in the city we would have the normal whistling and hissing. We just ignored it. Well here in Arroyo Cano those situations were intensified ten fold. The guys ranging from 8 to 90 were looking at us girls up and down. The girls and I too didn’t feel safe. Our translators and the pastor had all the men set on the other side of the church then us. But thru the whole service the stared. It was something that I have never experienced before and all I could do was pray. Well we did our drimes and the two girls gave their testimonies and everything went well. Then Shawn got up to preach. He was giving a salvation message. He preached right to those men. He got up in their faces and explained how Christ was killed for them and how they need to realize that they need him and that is why they feel empty. Well in the end of the message he gave an invitation and about 20 came to Christ. God really showed up and spoke thru Shawn. He isn’t a preacher but he was awesome. Even the Pastor was amazed at what Shawn said and said that it only could have come from the Spirit. So even though we were being attacked and ended up leaving Arroyo Cano after being there for 24 hours the Lord used us and brought His name and Love to that village.
Please join me and the rest of my team in prayer for Pastor and his village. He is only 28 and feeling like he is to young for the Job that the Lord has given him. But the Lord only gives us what we can handle. I know what he is where he needs to be. Pray that he is able to speak life to the men of his village and show Christ to them.