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This past Friday was the Tasters Guild. Its an event that the world cuisine students put on each year for the next years scholarships. There are about 16 tables all over the building with food from different countries to taste, over 450 tickets sold, lots of gifts to bid on. Its a fun night but a busy one for those of us who work  at it.
This event meant that my class and I cook, decorate and serve food from different countries. Our class (Chef Lucy’s) was in 4 groups; Greece, Italy, Caribbean, and China. I was on the China Team. For the event we tested recipes and designed our table layout and organized production for last week. All week (well Monday and Wednesday) we prepared for Friday.

When Friday came, it was time for decorating the table. And for doing the final production like cooking the proteins. My team and I went in at 930 to start setting up. By 12 we took a break only to return in a couple hours for the night. With such a huge event all the culinary students were there to help out. All went well. To my hope my team stayed ahead of schedule during prep time. Then once the guests arrive, it was busy. I think our table had a constant line of at least 10 people. With our menu that included lettuce wrapped chicken and Peking Duck we were busy. I never tried our food Friday but we were told that it was very good. We had people taking seconds on our duck and dumplings even before they ate their first one.


After food was scholarships. The culinary institute gave out $30,000 in scholarships and I was blessed to be on the receiving side of one of them. Then the rest of the evening was breaking down and cleaning up while our guests bid in the auction to raise money for next years scholarship.
Thank you all for prayers and support for this even or even just for my schooling. I am really enjoying culinary school and cant wait to use it to glorify God in the future.  I feel blessed to be going to school for something that I completely enjoy.

One response to “The Tasters Guild.”

  1. It looks great! Wish we could of seen it first hand. We are always proud of you and great work on a job well done!