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So While in Swaziland last week I went to the button ministry with Jillian, Mary and Caroline.  Its located at a youth center.  There are about 10 women who work three days a week (I believe) making buttons.  They make them out of clay found here in Swazi.  The goal with the buttons is to sell them to businesses and individuals and create a profit.  It’s a very cool Idea.

Once inside the building one of the button makers, Bongiwei, took me under her wing and taught me how to make the buttons.  So I pounded the clay, rolled it out.  She even had me initial it.  Then we had to wait for the clay to dry then pressed a pattern into it so that the buttons would be a little more creative than plain.  So once I got that art down.  Which in the beginning I wasn’t to good at it.  And every time I did something and it didn’t turn out she would say “Sorry, Sorry”.  Which made me smile. She didn’t speak to much English but enough that I could understand her.  So from the printing of the patterns on the clay we cut out the buttons.  And then waited for it to dry.  While the clay dried we sanded other buttons that were already dry.

It was neat to sit there are chat with the ladies.  But more than that it was cool to hear them chatting with each other and laughing.  They certainly had fun.  Yeah they were also tired but like every other African they do what needs to be done before they stop and complain or take a nap.  It was nice to see what some ministry is like in Swazi for the team.  I know that the Lord is moving there and that our FYM team is making a difference in that country.  Its really cool to see in person.

2 responses to “Sorry Sorry. A swazi blog”

  1. That must had been great I can see god just working in that so much they looking really neat buttons… did you buy any???
    i have a few request for you when we are both back in marshall!!

  2. I’m glad you had this time in swazi. I know it holds a a special spot in your heart, as all of Africa does. I could see you making buttons and enjoying it. You are very crafty. I look forward to us being together again
    LOVE Mom