
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So my plan today was to post a blog so that you can see my house in P.E.  But because of complications I will give you my co-leaders blog to check out to see pics of the house.

So the new semester has started.  The PE (Port Elizabeth) team is all here.  We have started to look at the different ministry options for this semester and will be starting in on ministry in a week.  Till then we are getting to know each other and the new town we now live in.

Our house here in Port Liz is amazing.  It is a great team house with one really big community room and a great view of the ocean from it.  In the girls room we were able to put up three high bunks so that they have more space.  The kitchen is our favorite room with its window cabinets and black marble counter tops.  I have a room to myself and share a bathroom with our three boys.  And my co-leaders are in the back bedroom that is also the leader office.  We have a fairly big yard and its all fenced in.  The neighborhood is quite safe and people seem friendly.  

As for mail, I know many of you are wondering (mom, Katie) we can receive mail at the house which is exciting. So our address that you can write me lots of letters to is:


                19 Trichardt

                Parsons Hill
                Port Elizabeth
                South Africa

4 responses to “PE Home”

  1. Thanks for the address will try my hardest to mail you mail!!
    loved talking with you today!! have a great time and i think we can call it a tie for who misses who more!!

  2. WOW!
    The kitchen looks amazing!
    I can only imagine all the baking that will take place in there… hahaha.
    love you girl!

  3. Hey! Love you. Glad things are going “well” for ya. I am planning on sending you a package soon, with the lost premiere in it. Watching it right now. Need or want anything let me know.

  4. dang girl! Nice house!

    Im so proud of you ps btw.

    God’s using you for big big things!