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So today was beautiful here in Georgia. I knew I couldn’t spend the full day inside. So after taking a nap this afternoon King, Ash, Em and I went for a walk. It was a great walk. A time to fellowship and just get out of our apartment. We live right near Lake Lanier so we walked down there and walked around the edge of the water. [Which I have to say is very low. There is a lot of shore showing.]

Anyways. I loved our walk. We were out there for about an hour and a half. Just hanging out and having fun. We got a lot of needed pictures of the four of us. It is so much fun to be able to have sisters in Christ with whom I can be me. I am growing to love these 3 girls so much and am extremely blessed to be able to have this year with them. I don’t know what I am going to do in July when we have to split up and go our separate ways. But I know what I will do until then. I am going to fight for the strongest bond that we can have. I am not going to give up on them and just survive. I want to know them and love them as much as I can. These three girls have so much that they can teach me and I want to learn it all.

A couple days ago I was wondering if it was even worth fighting for a better community with my team. I did it last year and it hurt so bad to split in May. My heart still hurts from it. I was thinking if I don’t get close to them then it wont hurt. I wanted to protect myself. But I realized today that I am already going to hurt when we split. Why not make the most of it. And really live it out. I will always have hurt in my life and its not my job to protect me from it anyways. Its the Lords. Plus I think it is a good kind of hurt that i experienced in May and that I will experience in July. The hurt says- I gave my heart away, I loved them with all I had. And the Lord has been with me always so I should not be afraid.

So Ash, King, Em I promise to be here for you and not give up or slack on our relationships. I want to have more days like today and really think of you as sisters. You three are amazing and I will forever love you.

Here are some pictures from our walk today.


2 responses to “A walk with my sisters.”

  1. Thanks Becca! Sorry I have been in a funk lately, hopefully I’ll be feeling better soon.

  2. Becca thank you so much for that! I love you too and I am so blessed to have you on this team! You are so loving and understanding towards me and I thank you for that. This day needs to happen again 😀